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Announcement of MUTUAL+ Scholarship Class of 6th Generation

The selection process for the MUTUAL+ Scholarship recipients has been successfully completed, including document evaluation and interviews. Here are the selected students who have been chosen as recipients of the MUTUAL+ Scholarship Class of 6th Generation, "For a Better Future for Indonesia," from IPB University, University of Indonesia, and Brawijaya University.

No. Nama Fakultas
1 Bimo Hadi Permana Mat & Ilmu Peng Alam
2 Caroline Kurniawan Teknik
3 Davina Adinda Hukum
4 Devin Ignatius Purba Hukum
5 Jessica Setiawan Farmasi
6 Khaira Azwa Muthia Ilmu Keperawatan
7 Nadra Syafaziel Mat & Ilmu Peng Alam
8 Sekar Aurellia Oksatiawan Mat & Ilmu Peng Alam
9 Tristania Diota Elmira Fitriazahra Mat & Ilmu Peng Alam
10 Zefanya Violeta Tobing Psikologi
No. Nama Fakultas
1 Afrida Rif'atul Hanifa Sekolah Vokasi
2 Amanda Catur Sukmarani Sekolah Vokasi
3 Ardian Ramadhan Pertanian
4 Daniela Febita Budikusuma Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan & Biomedis
5 Kelvin Tri Putra Peternakan
6 Muhammad Rizal Zaky Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan & Biomedis
7 Natasya Syifa Perikanan & Ilmu Kelautan
8 Rafli Hidayat Sekolah Vokasi
9 Safira Afwa Lathifah Ekologi Manusia
10 Salmia Revalina Peternakan
No. Nama Fakultas
1 Arjuna Saputra Teknik
2 Azzahra Nurfathiyah Zennady Kesehatan
3 Grace Nirwana Sianturi Ilmu Komputer
4 Haffa Indana Zulfa Peternakan
5 Kemala Andhini Kusumaayu Ilmu Kesehatan
6 Najwa Urfy Umaya Teknik
7 Rafif Asrun Ramadhani Ilmu Komputer
8 Raytifa Syafariah Kedokteran Hewan
9 Wahyu Widihansyah Ilmu Komputer
10 Yaffi Thamana Kedokteran Hewan

Congratulations to the selected students. It is hoped that through the MUTUAL+ Scholarship program, besides supporting educational expenses, it will also nurture students who are socially conscious and expected to play an active role in finding solutions to social issues, starting from their immediate surroundings, for a better future for Indonesia.